Friday, October 31, 2008

Nifty at the end of June 2009

The dramatic run from 2K to 6K was attributed to the India Shining, global decoupling, appetite for risk and huge excesses of liquidity. It was assumed that this is not a hill but a straight line to the moon.... Sun.... Mars... neighbouring galaxy!!!

Corporates, during this period, managed to attract investor (debt, equity, convertible, speculators, punters) in whatever way and at whatever cost. The sole objective was to increase capacity. The race to be the first and an underlying assumption that things don't change. Higher Capex --- Higher Profits --- leadership position in the sector.

The fact is that the only thing constant is change... Change in liquidity position, Change in Decoupling, Change in Risk Appetite...... Suddenly it seems that all the factors responsible for the to have taken the value up the hill have reversed and have triggered the "joyous" roller coaster ride down.

Coming to the main point for which you are reading this piece....

The run up started from 2K in 2005 (lets not get into the month 'cause it really doesn't matter). "Assuming" that we had a good and positive pre-inflation growth rate of 9% in 2005-06, 06-07 and 07-08 and of 7% in 2008-09.

This provides us a figure of 2771 (annually compounded) on a base of 2K. This is a likely fundamental situation wherein the underlying assumption is that the economy has not lost the value that is created in these 4 years.

However, one may argue that value is not lost ---- to that a mark down of 20% can be provided on the 2771 resulting in 2217 which surprising the level that the market has not breached so far. Also this will be a level that will not be sustainable for a long period of time as value investors would keep buying at these levels.

With fluctuations happening here and there end June of 2009 the index should be between 2700 and 2800 no matter what changes are made to the government and reserve bank policies.

Monday, August 13, 2007

GoodBye Forever: Come back to me

You were the one who listened
You were the one who cherished
You were the one who helped
You were the one who advised
You were the one who corrected
You were the one who wronged ........ by saying good bye

I am the one who pleads
I am the one who needs
I am the one who has lost
I am the one who lacks
I am the one who weeps
I am the one who says...... Come back to me

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Advise ---- Free Ones

Is that always works well for others (if you practice what u preach it may work for you as well)

Always Good to Take and Think (Its Free... Even if it doesnt help you Time pass ho gaya naa)

Everyone gives it In a Wink (And gets it in a wink too)

Never argue on it with the giver (very dangerous... unsought troubles wait for you)

Monday, October 30, 2006

FriendShip Lost: Give it to Me

Together we were me and my friend
Our friendship came to a sudden end
Our friendship was set on a gold stage
In a short time it had come of age

The memories bring lot of cheers
The parting has left me with tears
Torn apart we were by destiny
With foul or folly or any

Pray to God I do often
To find solace and pardon
To re-unite us with magic or art
Till death do us apart.....

Friday, October 27, 2006

Marraige is Divine (so far)

Most of you guys must have known this was coming

I am not a guru at this however a meagre 3 month experience can teach you a lot

This is the best phase of my married life and would like to give you a glimpse of it

Please read future updates before you marry....

Is it Companionship?Is it togetherness?

Is it being fond?Is it fondling?

Is it about fights?Is it about tickles?

Is it about dreaming together? Is it about fulfilling them?

Is it about problems?Is it about solutions?

Is it about arguments?Is it about disgreements?

Is it about justifications?Is it about understanding?

Is it something to enjoy?Is it finding new likes?

Yes it is all of the above.

Above all it is about teamwork, understanding and adjustment and a never ending journey which is enriched with love, support and worship.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Immortal Journey

Whatever happened, it happened for good
Whatever is happening, is happening for good
Whatever that will happen, it will be for good
What have you lost for which you cry?
What did you bring with you, which you have lost?
What did you produce, which has destroyed?
You did not bring anything when you were born
Whatever you have, you have received from Him
Whatever you will give, you will give to Him
You came empty handed and you will go the same way
Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday and will be somebody else’s tomorrow
Change is the law of the universe

This is the mantra to be happy and stay that way. Happiness is a state of mind and the only person (ideally) controlling our mind is us.

We are mortals and hence the goal of our life in mortality - the inevitable event.
However we can make the journey immortal by being happy and spreading happiness.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Whatta Guy!!! ( baddhooo normal che)

Well Shud I say this for Vidhu Vinod Chopra or for the Mahatma Gandhi or for both....

The product and the marketing both are most important for the success

If Gandhi had left his teachings for us to follow as a product

Vidhu went ahead and marketed them in a way to capture everyone's heart...

Just Imagine......

bole toh --> I speak abt Lage Raho Munnabhi.....